Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Git for Windows publish branchfails...

On top of having to deal with Windows 8.1 on Virtual Box atop a Mac (i.e. slow), there's this thing where mid-sized Visual Studios solutions can't be pushed. My stuff is about 65 MB large...

So here's how to get around the "Can't publish branch" error. A "$ git push" won't help here...

1. On Github for Windows, go to your repo
2. Open github in shell (there's a settings button on top right)
3. Check that remote already added
(i.e. try:
$ git remote add origin http://github.com//
Expected output: "fatal: remote origin already exists")
4. $ git config http.postBuffer 524288000
This increases the buffer size...
5. git push -u origin master
This should push your new repo.

It's quite late, which might explain all the trailing sentences.