Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ninja Crazy

Been making games for a class. The lecturer's from Microsoft so it's Windows 8 stuff, but other than that in terms of the game design, genre, concept etc. we're free to do anything we want.

So far of my first twenty games, here are my favorite one is this platformer, Ninja Crazy. It evolved from my first scrolling background SHMUP, Space shooter. It's a Windows 8.1 app (keyboard/ mouse/ touch support) written with DirectX and C++. Textures courtesy of the web.

Ninja crazy - a platformer

Basically you're a ninja on the run, but there's an infestation of crabs in your way, so you must kill or avoid them before they eat you up.
- When your HP drops, you'll flash red.
- You can shoot blue fireballs at the crabs.
- You can also jump and multi-jump (appoximately flying).
- To replenish Health, jump up to grab the apples.
Good luck!

Code is on github right now, but am kind of embarassed to show it because the OOD's quite ugly- it's very obvious that I was/ am still figuring out- in Space Shooter and Ninja Crazy- what's the best way to model a game object.

So I'll be refactoring my code, and for my next game, I want to have more static obstacles to jump and run on, more intelligent enemies (instead of arbitrarily positioning them and giving them different starting speeds to make it hard), and obstacles that spew fire that the ninja must avoid.

I also saw this Hyper Light Drifter on Kickstarter, and it's amazing. I would like to have such an exploratory game where there are many beautiful worlds of all kinds to explore. That would be awesome.

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